2011. 2. 14. 11:59

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2011. 2. 1. 09:34

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

Oracle/DB22010. 12. 24. 11:29

[펌]Oracle은 알지만 DB2를 처음 접한 개발자가 알아야할 사항들 
DB2 요약 
1. 데이타베이스 생성이 다음과 같은 기본 스키마가 제공됩니다. 
 - SYSIBM: 시스템 카탈로그 테이블의 스키마 
 - SYSCAT: 시스템 카탈로그 뷰의 스키마 
 - SYSFUN: 기본적으로 제공되는 사용자 정의 함수의 스키마 
2. 스키마 생성 구문 
 -> Create schema <스키마명> authorization <authorization_name>
3. 스키마 제거 구문 
-> Drop schema <스키마명> restrict
4. 생성된 스키마에 대한 정보는 syscat.schemata 뷰를 이용하여 확인합니다.

5. 예문 
db2=> create schema amj authorization HR
db2=> create table amj.T1 (C1 int)
db2=> list tables for schema <스키마명>
db2=> select * from syscat.schemata

6. 특정 스키마에 속하는 테이블과 뷰를 확인할 경우 "list tables for schema <스키마명>"를 실행합니다.
7. describe table [테이블명]을 이용하여 테이블 구조를 확인합니다.
8. 더미테이블은 sysibm.sysdummy1 입니다. 
db2=> select to_char(current timestamp, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
9. 뷰 정보 조회는 syscat.view 카탈로그 테이블을 조회합니다.
10. 얘문 
db2=> create view view01 as select id,name from emp;
11. DB2 카탈로그 테이블 
- sysibm.xxx : 데이타베이스 내의 모든 객체에 대한 정보 제공
- syscat.xxx : sysibm에 속하는 테이블 중 중요 정보만 조합하여 제공
- sysstat.xxxx : sysibm에 속하는 테이블 중 통계정보만 조합하여 제공 
- sysibmadm.xxxx: db2의 성능분석 및 관리 정보 제공

12. 테이블 비교 
- syscat.tables
- syscat.columns
- syscat.tablespaces
- syscat.indexes
- syscat.tabconst 
- syscat.colchecks, syscat.references, syscat.indexes
- syscar.views
- syscat.sequences
- syscat.triggers
- dba_users=> OS의 사용자를 사용함으로 해당 정보에 대한 관리가 필요치 않습니다. 
- syscat.roles
- syscat.tabauth, syscat.colauth, syscat.indexauth등 각 object마다 정보를 담고 있는 테이블이 다름.
13. 테이블 타입 비교
오라클 <-> DB2
char(n) <-> char(n)
varchar2(n) <-> varchar(n)
long <-> long varchar(n)
long <-> clob
number(p) <-> smallint, integer, bigint
number(o,s) <-> decimal (p,s)
number <-> float, real, double
blob <-> <blob(n)
nclob <-> dbclob(n)
date <-> timestamp, date(mm/dd/yyyy), time(hh24:mi:ss)
timestamp <-> timestamp
xmltype <-> xml
raw(n) <-> char(n) for bit data, varchar(n) for bit data, blob(n) 
long raw <-> long varchar(n) for bit data, blob(n)

14. alter table의 'attach' 옵션을 이용하여 기존 테이블을 파티션 테이블의 파티션으로 붙일 수 있습니다. 
15. alter table의 'detach' 옵션을 이용하여 파티션 테이블의 파티션을 단일 테이블로 분리할 수 있습니다.
16. syscat.datapartitions 카탈로그 테이블을 조회하면 파티션 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
17. 예문
- 파티션 테이블 생성
create table order_trans 
(ord_number bigint, 
  ord_date date, 
  prod_id varchar(15), 
  quantity dec(15,3)
partition by range (ord_date)
 partition fy2007q4
  starting '10/1/2007' inclusive
  ending '1/1/2008' exclusive 
  in fy2007q4
,partition fy2008q1
  starting '1/1/2008' inclusive 
  ending '4/1/2008' exclusive 
  in fy2008q1
) not logged initially;
- 파티션 추가
alter table order_trans 
 add partition fy2008q3
 starting '7/1/2008' inclusive 
 ending '10/1/2008' exclusive 
 in fy2008q3;
 - 단일 테이블을 파티션 테이블의 파티션으로 병합 
 alter table order_trans 
 attach partition fy2008q2
 starting '4/1/2008' inclusive 
 ending '7/1/2008' exclusive
 from table new_trans;
 - 기존 파티션을 단일 테이블로 분리 
 alter table order_trans 
  detach partition fy2007q4 into fy2007q4;
18. db2는 다음과 같이 4가지 방식을 이용하여 데이터를 분산할 수 있습니다. 
- Database partitioning feature 
 . 데이터베이스 파티셔닝 전반에 골고루 레코드를 분배합니다. 
 . 확장성이 좋습니다. 
- 다차원 클러스터링(MDC)
 . 테이블내의 유사한 값을 갖는 레코드를 block이라고 하는 같은 물리적인 위치에 다차원적으로 그룹핑하여 저장합니다. 
 . 쿼리성능이 좋아집니다. 
- 테이블 파티셔닝(TP)
 . 지정된 범위내에 있는 데이터를 그룹핑하여 같은 데이터 파티션에 놓습니다. 
 . 쿼리성능이 좋아지며 데이터 이동이 용이합니다. 
19. 명령어를 이용한 테이블 변경/삭제
 - 예문
 . 컬럼추가 예제
  alter table department add column rating char(1);
  alter table project add site_notes varchar(1000) for bit data;
 .외래키 추가예제 
  alter table equipment
   add  constraint deptquip 
    foreign key (equip_owner) references department on delete set null;
 .check 제약조건 추가 예제 
  alter table employee add constraint revenue check (salary + comm > 30000);
 . 기존 컬럼 제거 예제 
  alter table employee drop constraint revenue;
 . 디폴트값 변경예제 
  alter table employee alter column workdept set default '123';
 . security policy 추가 예제
  alter table employee add security policy data_access;
  , salary 컬럼을 보호하기 위해 employee 테이블 변경
  alter table employee alter column salary secured with employeeseclabel;
20. 명령어를 이용한 테이블 조회
  - 파라미터 설명 : user / all / system /schema [스키마명] 
 db2=> list tables for schema amj
 db2=> list tables for schema amj 
21. 명령어를 이용한 테이블 구조 조회
 - 파라미터 설명: table / indexes for table / data partitions for table 
 db2=> describe  table user1.departmentzzzz
 cb2=> describe data partitions for table amj.sales.show detail
22. db2look -d sample -a -e -t aa.t01
23. 명령어를 이용한 MDC + 파티션 테이블
create table amj.sales
 date date not null, 
 region varchar(15) not null,
 product_id bigint 
 revenue decimal(15,0) not null
partition by range("date")
 part fy2008iq starting('2008-01-01') in tbs1q long in ltbs1q,
 part fy20082q starting('2008-04-01') in tbs2q long in ltbs2q,
 part fy20083q starting('2008-07-01') in tbs3q long in ltbs3q,
 part fy20084q starting('2008-10-01') ending ('2009-01-01') exclusive in tbs4q long in ltbs4q
 organize by  
( "region","product_id")
create unique index amj.partition_idx on amj.sales(date asc) include ("region")
not partitioned in dms01
pctfree 10 micpctused 10 allow reverse scans;
select datapartitionname, tabschema, tabname,
 from syscat.datapartitions where tabschema = 'amj' and tabname='sales';
24. 인덱스 비교 
- syscat.indexes 카탈로그 테이블을 조회합니다. 
- describe indexes for table <테이블명> show detail 명령어를 이용하여 조회합니다.
- 예문 
. create index idx_sales on sales (date asc);
. drop index idx_sales;
. alter index rebuild는 존재하지 않습니다.
25. 시퀀스 비교
- preval! for <시퀀스 이름>과 nextval for <시퀀스이름>를 이용하여 현재값과 다음 값을 조회합니다. 
- syscat.sequences 카탈로그 테이블을 조회하면 시퀀스 정보를 조회할 수 있습니다.
>  create sequence order_seq
    start with 100
    increment by 1
    no maxvalue
    no cycle
> insert into order_his values 
(nextval for order_seq, 'book',100)
> select preval! for order_seq
from sysibm,sysdummy1;
> drop sequence order_seq;

26. DB2 시퀀스 생성
- 예문
. 시퀀스 생성
create sequence order_seq 
   start with 100
   increment by 1
   no maxvalue
   no cycle
   cache 24
. 시퀀스 활용
insert into order values
( nextval for order_seq, 'paper bag');
insert into order values 
( nextval for order_seq, 'note');
. 시퀀스 조회
select * from order;
select preval! for order_seq
 from sysibm.sysdummy1;
27. 트리거 비교
create trigger con_audit_trg 
 no cascade before insert on con_audit
 referencing new as n 
 for wach row 
 mode db2sql
begin  atomic
   set n.timestamp = current timestamp;
create trigger con_audit_trg
no cascade before insert on con_audit
referencing new as n 
for each row 
begin atomic
set n.timstamp = current timestamp;
create trigger emp_history_trg
alter delete on employees
referenvcing old as d 
for each row
begin atomic
insert into emp_history (emp_id, first_name, last_name)
values (d.emp_id, d.first_name, d.last_name);

<-> 오라클 트리거
create or replace trigger con_autit_trg
 before insert on con_audit
 for each row
 begin each row
 :new.timestamp :=sysdate;
 create or replace trigger con_audit_trg
 before insert on con_audit
 for each row 
 :new.timestamp :=sysdate;
 create trigger emp_history_trg
 alter delete on employees
 for each row 
 insert into emp_history (emp_id, first_name, last_name)
 values (:old.emp_id, :old.first_name,:old.last_name);
 28. 함수 비교 
 - 테이블 생성시 check 제약 조건내에서 사용자 함수 사용 가능합니다. 
 - 테이블 타입으로 리턴이 가능합니다. 
 - 예문
  create function test01 (x numeric(10,2))
  returns numeric (10,2) 
  language sql 
  begin atomic
   return (0.5*x*x*3.14);
 - 함수 사용
 db2 => select abs(-2) from sysibm.sysdummy1
 db2=> values round(45.926,2)
 db2=> values trunc(45.926)
 db2=> values mod(1600,300)
 db2=> select ceil(13.11) from susibm.sysdummy1;
 db2=> values rand()
 db2=> values concat ('abc','cde')
 db2=> values substr('string',1,3)
 29. 내장함수/ 날짜/시간 함수 
 - current date / current timestamp / current date 
 - year() / month() / day() / hour () / minute() / second() 
 db2=> values (current date, current date+1 month)
 30. 내장함수 / 변환함수 
 - to_char
 - dayname
 - mothname 
 - date() / format_timestamp() / to_date()
 - bigint()  / int() / smallint() / float () / double() / real () / decimal()
 - to_date / time / timestamp / timestamp_format / timestamp_iso
 - nvl / coaleace 
 - 예문
 db2 => values to_char(current timestamp, 'yyyy/mm/dd')
 db2 => select coaleace(manager_name, 'no value') from employee
 db2 => values dayname (current_timestamp)
 31. 내장함수 / 그룹함수, 그룹연산자 
 - rank() over (분석절)
 - union : 중복값이 제거된 합집합 연산자 
 - union all : 중복값이 제거되지 않은 합집합 연산자 
 - minus : 차집합 연산자 
 - intersect : 교집합 연산자 
 32. 조회쿼리 비교 
 - decode(condition, case1, assgin1,case2,assgin2..default) <= DB2 9.5에서 제공하는 decode 구문
 - case condition 
    when case1 then assgin 1
    when case2 then assgin 2
    else default
 - 예문 
 .오라클인 경우 
 select avg(decode(grade,'A',1,'B',2,'C',3)) into v_grade
  from students
  where department =p_department
   and course_id=p_course_id;
 .DB2 9.5인경우는 오라클인 경우와 동일
 .DB2 9.5가 아닌경우는 case문으로 변경
 select avg(case grade 
             when 'A' then 1
             when 'B' then 2
             when 'C' then 3
             end) into v_grade
 from students
 where department =-p_department and 
  course_id = p_course_id;
 33. rownum 전환
 .오라클인 경우 <-> DB2 경우 
 select * from tab1 where rownum < 10 <-> select * from tab1 ferch first 9 rows only 
 delete from tab1 where rownum <= 100 <-> delete from (select 1 from tab1 fetch first 100 rows only)
 update tab1 set c1=v1 where c2 =v2 and rownum <= 10
 <-> update (select c1 from tab1 where c2=v2 fetch first 10 rows only) set c1=v1
 34. join 방법 비교 
- right outer join 
 select a.last_name, a.id, b.name
 from emp a, customer b
 where a.id(+) = b.sales_rep_id;
 <-> select a.last_name, a.id, b.name 
     from emp a right outer join cusomer b 
      on a.id=b.sales_rep_id;
- left outer join 
 select a.last_name, a.id, b.name
 from emp a, customer b
 where a.id = b.sales_rep_id(+);
 <-> select a.last_name, a.id, b.name 
     from emp a left outer join cusomer b 
      on a.id=b.sales_rep_id;
- full outer join 
 select a.last_name, a.id, b.name
 from emp a, customer b
 where a.id(+) = b.sales_rep_id(+);
 <-> select a.last_name, a.id, b.name 
     from emp a full outer join cusomer b 
      on a.id=b.sales_rep_id;
- 예문 (오라클 조인)
select t1.surname, 
  from example_table1 t1, 
       example_table2 t2,
       example_table3 t3,
       example_table4 t4
      (t1.emptype =1) or (t1.position ='Manager'))
   and (t1.empid = t2.empid(+))
   and (t2.empid = t3.empid(+))
   and (t2.sin = t3.sin(+))
   and (t3.jobtype(+) ='Full-Time')
   and (t2.empid = t4.empid(+))
   and (t2.sin = t4.sin(+))
   order by t1.emptype,t2.other 
<-> 예문 (DB2 조인)
select t1.surname, 
 from example_table1 t1 
    left outer join example_table2 t2 on (t1.empid=t2.empid)
    left outer join example_table3 t3 on (t3.empid=t2.empid)   
    and (t2.empid = t3.empid)
    and (t3.jobtype ='Full-Time')
    left outer join example)table4 t4 on (t4.sin=t2.sin) and (t3.empid=t2.empid)
  where ((t1.emptype =1 ) or (t1.position="Manager'))
  order by t1.emptype, t2.other
 35. DB2 9.5에서 제공하는 오라클 feature 
 DB2 registry 를 사용한 ㅇ라클 가능 
 - 아래 오라클 함수 및 연산자를 DB2 V9.5에서 사용하기 위해서는 db2 registry 변수인 
 db2_compatibility_vector 를 설정해야 합니다. 사용하고자 하는 기능의 hex 값을 
 설정한 후 하고자 하는 기능의 hex 값을 설정한 후 인스턴스를 재시작합니다. 
 오라클/DB2     HEX값
 rownum      0x01
 dual        0x02
 +(outer 조인 연산자)  0x04 
 connect by 0x04 
 ==> 설정방법 
 -> 위의 오라클 기능을 그대로 사용학기 위해서는 db2 registry 변수인 
     db2_compatibility_vector에 활성화하는 hex값을 설정합니다. 
     >db2set db_compatibility_vector=0x08
****** db2 v9.5에서 사용하고자 하는 오라클 함수 또는 연산자를 각각 따로 Hex값을 이용하여 설정이 
가능합니다. 그러나 만약 혼합되어 사용할 경우, 예를 들면 connect by 와 dual,rownum를 사용하고자 하는 
경우에는  0x08 + 0x02 + 0x01 = 0x0B를 설정하면 됩니다.
36. DB2 registry 설정없이 사용가능한 오라클 기능
to_char / to_date / nvl / greatest / least / decode / bitand /bitandnot /bitor / bitxor / bitnot
인라인 뷰의 이름 지정
시퀀스 currval_nextval 시퀀스의 현재값과 다음값을 리턴합니다.

36. DB2 9.5에서 제공하는 오라클 feature
- DB2에서 (+) join 연산자 사용 
db2set db2_compatibility_vector=03(?)
to_char 함수 / to_date함수 / minus 연산자 / 시퀀스 연산자 
37. PL/SQL과 SQL PL 비교 
- 오라클과 DB2는 모두 구조화 데이터베이스 프로그래밍 언어를 사용하여 서버 프로그램을 작성합니다. 
오라클에서 사용되는 이러한 언어를 PL/SQL이라 하며 DB2에서는 SQLPL이라고 합니다. 이 곳에서는 
두데이터베이스의 서버 프로그래밍 언어에 대해 비교합니다.

38. PL/SQL과 SQL PL 비교
-오라클 pl/sql 
 i_balnace number(10,2):=0.0 ; 
 i_balance := 19.99;
  declare i_balnace numeric(10,2) default 0.0;
  set i_balance = 19.99l
 * set 구문은 또한 다음과 같이 local 변수에 Table column 값을 할당 할 수 있습니다. 
  st i_balance = (select balance from account_info where account_no=actno);
*** 조건 구문 및 흐름 제어  
1)오라클 PL/SQL  
if - then - end if;
if -then - else - end if;
if - then - elseif - end if;
it - then - end if;
if - then - else -end if;
if - then - elseif - end if;

2)오라클 PL/SQL  
end loop;
[L1:] loop
 level L1;
 end loop [L1];
3) 오라클 PL/SQL  
while condition loop 
 end loop;
while condition do 
end while;
4) 오라클 PL/SQL  
exit when condition;
end loop;
until condition;
end repeat;
5) 오라클 PL/SQL  
For i_count in 
end loop;
set i_count = lower_bound;
while i_count <= upper_bound do
set i_count = i_count +1;
end while;

6) 오라클 PL/SQL  
 open cursor_variable for 
for variable as cursor_name
cursor for select_statement do 
end for;
39. Dynamic SQL 비교
create or replace procedure 
get_emp_name_v2 (emp_id in number) as 
 sql_stmt varchar2(1000);
 v_result  varchar2(20);
 sql_stmt:= 'select last_name from employees
  where emp_id =:x';
  execute immediate sql_stmt
   into v_result
   using emp_id;
create procedure
get_emp_name_v2 (in emp_id float)
language sql 
   declare v_dyn_sql varchar(1000);
   declare v_sql_stmt statement;
   declare c_employees cursor for v_sql_stmt;
   set v_dyn_sql = 'select last_name from emplyees where emp_id='
   prepare v_sql_stmt from v_dyn_sql;
   open c_employees;
   -- fetch...
   close c_emplyees;
 40. 커서 정의 비교 
 1) 오라클: 커서 정의 
 - cursor cursor_name {(cursor_parameter(s))]
    is select_statement
 2) 오라클: 커서 열기 
 - open cursor_name [(cursor_parameter(s))] 
 3) 오라클: 커서로부터 fetch 
 - fetch cursor_name into variables(s)
 4) 오라클: fetched된 행 수정 
 - update table_name set statement(s)...
   where current of 
 5) 오라클: fetch된 행 삭제 
 - delete from table_name
    where current of cursor_name;
 6) 오라클: 커서 닫기 
 - close cursor_name 
 1) DB2: 커서 정의 
  - declare cursor_name
    cursor [with hold] [with return]
           [t ocaller|to client] for 
  2) DB2: 커서 열기 
  - open cursor_name [using host-variable]
  3) db2: 커서로부터 fetch 
  -  fetch [from ] cursor_name into variable(s)
  4)DB2: fetch된 행 수정 
  - update table_name set statements...
    where current of cursor_name
  5)DB2: Delete된 행 삭제 
  - delete from table_name 
    where current of cursor_name 
  6)DB2: 커서 닫기 
   - close cursor_name;
   오라클 예문 
   procedure get_sum_projects
   (v_office_id in number , sum_projects out number)
   as v_prj number(3);
   cursor c1 is
      select current_projects from employees
      where office_id = v_office_id;
       sum_projects :=0;
       open c1;
          fetch c1 into v_prj;
          exit when c1%notfound;
          sum_projects :=sum_projects + v_prj;
       end loop;
   DB2 예문
    create procedure get_sum_projects
       (in v_office_id  integer, 
        out sum_projects integer)
      declare sqlcode int default 0;
      declare v_prj samllint default 0;
      declare v_no_data smallint default 0;
      declare c1 cursor for 
         select current_projects from employees
                where office_id=v_office_id;
      declare continue handler for not found 
      set v_no_data = 1;
      set sum_projects =0;
      open c1;
      fetch c1 into v_prj;
      while (v_no_data=0) do 
         set sum_projects = sum_projects + v_prj;
         fetch c1 into v_prj;
      end while;
      close c1;
41. 커서 속성 비교
%isopen (오라클)
if c1$isopen then 
   fetch c1 into var1;
  open c1;
   fetch c1 into var1;
end if;
%isopen (DB2)
declare cursor_notopen condition for sqlstate 24501;
declare continue handler for cursor_notopen
open c1;
fetch c1 int var1;
fetch c1 into var1;

%notfound (오라클) 
open  cur1;
  fetch cur1 into v_var1;
    exit when cur1%notfounf;
 end loop;
%notfound (DB2) 
declare sqlcode int default 0;
open c1;
fetch c1 into v_var1;
if sqlcode = 100 then 
leave l1;
end if;
end loop l1;

%found  (오라클)
delete from emp
where empno = my_empno;
if sql%found then -- delete succeeded
insert into emp_table
 values (my_empno,my_ename);
%found  (DB2)
delete from emp
where empno = my_empno;
if sqlcode = 0 them -- delete succeeded
insert into emp_table
%rowcount (오라클)
fetch c1 into my_ename, my_deptno;
if c1%rowcount > 10 then exit; 
end if;
end loop

%rowcount (DB2)
declare c1 cursor for 
select ename,deptno from emp_table
 fetch first 10 rows only;
declare continue handler for not found
   set end-of-fetch =1;
  fetch c1 into my_ename, my_deptno;
  if end-of-fetch = 1 then 
     leve l1;
  end if;
end loop l1;

%rowcount (oracle)
fetch c1 into my_ename, my_deptno;
if c1%rowcount > 10 then 
end if;
end loop;
%rowcount (db2)
declare v_cursor int default 0;
  fetch c1 into my_ename, my_deptno;
  v_curcount = v_curcount +1;
  if v_curcount > 10 then 
  end if;
  end loop l1;
 #rowcount (오라클)
 delete from emp_table
 if sql%rowcount > 10 then 
 end if;
 #rowcount (db2)
 declare rc int default 0;
 delete from emp_table where...
 get diagnostics rc=row-count;
 if rc> 10 then 
 end if;
 42. collection 비교 
 collection을 비교한 pl/sql을 DB2 sqlpl로 변환합니다. 
 nested table/varray 변환
 오라클 code
 type emplist is table of emp_table.ename%type;
 cursor c1 is 
   select emp_name
   from dept=v_dept;
   empName emp_table.ename%type;
   empnum number;
    fetch c1 into empname;
    when c1%notfound exit;
    empnum :=empnum +1;
    end loop;
    close c1;
  db2 code
 declare global temporary table session.temp_emp_list
 (num integer, empname varchar(30))
 with replace 
 on commit preserve rows
 not logged;
 insert into session.temp_emp_list
 select row_number() over(컬럼명), emp_name
 from emp_table
 where dept=v_dept;
 bulk collect변환 (오라클)
 type emplist is table of emp_table.ename%type;
 cursor c1 is 
  select emp_name
   from dept=v_dept;
    open c1;
     fetch c1 bulk collect into emplist;
     close c1;
 bulk collect변환  db2 code
 declare v_empname varchar(30);
 declare v_num int default 0;
 declare global temporary table session.temp_emp_list
 (num integer, empname varchar(30))
 with replace on commit preserve rows
 not logged; 
 insert into session.temp_emp_list ( select emp_name from emp_table

 where dept=v_dept);


Posted by Julyus
Oracle/DB22010. 12. 24. 09:48
Posted by Julyus
Oracle/DB22010. 12. 24. 09:41


기본적인 DB2 iSERIES의 운영 명령어 중 ALTER TABLE 명령어 입니다.


  1. 테이블 생성 (CREATE TABLE)
      1) 아래의 컬럼(필드)을 갖는 직원테이블 t_emp를 생성

              사번 1 ~ 9999 NULL 허용하지 않음
              이름 문자열 20 자리 (Primary Key)
              부서 문자열  4 자리

             CREATE TABLE t_emp
                    ( empid   INT      NOT NULL,
                      empname CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                      depcd   CHAR(04),
                      PRIMARY KEY(empid)

      2) 아래의 컬럼(필드)을 갖는 부서테이블 t_dep를 생성

              부서코드 문자열 4자리 NULL 허용하지 않음
              부서이름 문자열 0 ~ 50자리 NULL 허용하지 않음

             CREATE TABLE t_dep
                    ( depcd   CHAR(4)     NOT NULL,
                      depname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)

      3) 키가 일련번호(자동증가) 컬럼인 부서테이블 t_dep를 생성

             CREATE TABLE t_dep 
                    ( seq INTEGER NOT NULL 
                          GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY 
                          (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1, NO CACHE ), 
                      primary key (SEQNO) 

  2. 테이블 변경 (ALTER TABLE)
      1) 위의 직원테이블에 급여컬럼 salary를 추가
             ALTER TABLE t_emp
                   ADD COLUMN salary INT

      2) 급여컬럼의 이름을 salary에서 pay로 변경
             ALTER TABLE t_emp
                   ALTER COLUMN salary
                   SET DEFAULT 'pay'

      3) 직원테이블에서 급여컬럼 pay를 삭제
             ALTER TABLE t_emp
                   DROP COLUMN pay CASCADE

          View, Index, Constraints 들도 같이 삭제 됩니다

      4) 부서테이블에서 관리자명 컬럼 mgrname을 Unique하게 추가하고
         기존에 있던 부서코드 컬럼을 PRIMARY KEY로 설정
             ALTER TABLE t_dep
                   ADD COLUMN mgrname
                   ADD UNIQUE mgrname
                   ADD PRIMARY KEY depcd

      5) 관리자명 컬럼을 코드타입 933 (A(English Only) -> O(Open)) 으로 변경
             ALTER TABLE t_dep
                   ALTER COLUMN mgrname
                   SET DATA TYPE CHARACTER(20)
                   CCSID 933 NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT

          PB, VB, JAVA 등에서 한글 사용시 CCSID 933을 사용하세요

  3. 테이블 삭제 (DROP TABLE)

      1) 직원테이블을 삭제 
             DROP TABLE t_emp

          View, Index, Constraints 가 존재해도 삭제 됩니다

      2) 직원테이블을 View, Index, Constraints 가 없는 경우에만 삭제
             DROP TABLE t_emp RESTRICT
출처 : http://www.acronet.kr/as400/sql400/s_sql21.html
Posted by Julyus
Oracle/DB22010. 11. 17. 14:32

Posted by Julyus
Oracle/DB22010. 10. 18. 16:50


DB2 Basics: Fun with Dates and Times

Paul Yip (ypaul@ca.ibm.com), Database Consultant, IBM Toronto Lab

Summary:  Just updated with custom date/time formatting! This short article explains how to manipulate dates, times and timestamps using SQL on DB2 Universal Database for Windows, UNIX and Linux platforms.

Date:  28 Aug 2003 
Level:  Introductory 
Also available in:   Japanese 

Activity:  409708 views 
Comments:   1 (View or add comments)

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Important: Read the disclaimer before reading this article.
This article is written for IBM® DB2® Universal DatabaseTM for Linux, UNIX®, and Windows®


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This short article is intended for those who are new to DB2 UDB and wish to understand how to manipulate dates and times. Most people who have worked with other databases are pleasantly surprised by how easy it is in DB2 UDB.

The basics

To get the current date, time, and timestamp using SQL, reference the appropriate DB2 registers:

SELECT current date FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 
SELECT current time FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 
SELECT current timestamp FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 

The sysibm.sysdummy1 table is a special in-memory table that can be used to discover the value of DB2 registers as illustrated above. You can also use the VALUES keyword to evaluate the register or expression. For example, from the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP), the following SQL statements reveal similar information:

VALUES current date 
VALUES current time 
VALUES current timestamp 

For the remaining examples, I will simply provide the function or expression without repeating SELECT ... FROM sysibm.sysdummy1 or using the VALUES clause.

To get the current time or current timestamp adjusted to GMT/CUT, subtract the current timezone register from the current time or timestamp:

current time - current timezone 
current timestamp - current timezone 

Given a date, time, or timestamp, you can extract (where applicable) the year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, and microseconds portions independently using the appropriate function:

YEAR (current timestamp) 
MONTH (current timestamp) 
DAY (current timestamp) 
HOUR (current timestamp) 
MINUTE (current timestamp) 
SECOND (current timestamp) 
MICROSECOND (current timestamp) 

Extracting the date and time independently from a timestamp is also very easy:

DATE (current timestamp) 
TIME (current timestamp) 

You can also perform date and time calculations using, for lack of a better term, English:

current date + 1 YEAR 
current date + 3 YEARS + 2 MONTHS + 15 DAYS 
current time + 5 HOURS - 3 MINUTES + 10 SECONDS 

To calculate how many days there are between two dates, you can subtract dates as in the following:

days (current date) - days (date('1999-10-22')) 

And here is an example of how to get the current timestamp with the microseconds portion reset to zero:


If you want to concatenate date or time values with other text, you need to convert the value into a character string first. To do this, you can simply use the CHAR() function:

char(current date) 
char(current time) 
char(current date + 12 hours) 

To convert a character string to a date or time value, you can use:

TIMESTAMP ('2002-10-20-') 
TIMESTAMP ('2002-10-20 12:00:00') 
	DATE ('2002-10-20') 
	DATE ('10/20/2002') 
	TIME ('12:00:00') 
	TIME ('12.00.00') 

The TIMESTAMP(), DATE() and TIME() functions accept several more formats. The above formats are examples only and I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover them.

From the DB2 UDB V8.1 SQL Cookbook by Graeme Birchall (see http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Graeme_Birchall).

What happens if you accidentally leave out the quotes in the DATE function? The function still works, but the result is not correct:




Why the 2,000 year difference in the above results? When the DATE function gets a character string as input, it assumes that it is valid character representation of a DB2 date, and converts it accordingly. By contrast, when the input is numeric, the function assumes that it represents the number of days minus one from the start of the current era (that is, 0001-01-01). In the above query the input was 2001-09-22, which equals (2001-9)-22, which equals 1970 days.

Date functions

Sometimes, you need to know how the difference between two timestamps. For this, DB2 provides a built in function called TIMESTAMPDIFF(). The value returned is an approximation, however, because it does not account for leap years and assumes only 30 days per month. Here is an example of how to find the approximate difference in time between two dates:

timestampdiff (<n>, char( 

In place of <n>, use one of the following values to indicate the unit of time for the result:

  • 1 = Fractions of a second
  • 2 = Seconds
  • 4 = Minutes
  • 8 = Hours
  • 16 = Days
  • 32 = Weeks
  • 64 = Months
  • 128 = Quarters
  • 256 = Years

Using timestampdiff() is more accurate when the dates are close together than when they are far apart. If you need a more precise calculation, you can use the following to determine the difference in time (in seconds):

(DAYS(t1) - DAYS(t2)) * 86400 + 

For convenience, you can also create an SQL user-defined function of the above:

(DAYS(t1) - DAYS(t2)) * 86400 + 

If you need to determine if a given year is a leap year, here is a useful SQL function you can create to determine the number of days in a given year:

CREATE FUNCTION daysinyear(yr INT) 
RETURN (CASE (mod(yr, 400)) WHEN 0 THEN 366 ELSE 
        CASE (mod(yr, 4))   WHEN 0 THEN 
        CASE (mod(yr, 100)) WHEN 0 THEN 365 ELSE 366 END 
        ELSE 365 END 

Finally, here is a chart of built-in functions for date manipulation. The intent is to help you quickly identify a function that might fit your needs, not to provide a full reference. Consult the SQL Reference for more information on these functions.

SQL Date and Time Functions
DAYNAME Returns a mixed case character string containing the name of the day (e.g., Friday) for the day portion of the argument.
DAYOFWEEK Returns the day of the week in the argument as an integer value in the range 1-7, where 1 represents Sunday.
DAYOFWEEK_ISO Returns the day of the week in the argument as an integer value in the range 1-7, where 1 represents Monday.
DAYOFYEAR Returns the day of the year in the argument as an integer value in the range 1-366.
DAYS Returns an integer representation of a date.
JULIAN_DAY Returns an integer value representing the number of days from January 1, 4712 B.C. (the start of Julian date calendar) to the date value specified in the argument.
MIDNIGHT_SECONDS Returns an integer value in the range 0 to 86 400 representing the number of seconds between midnight and the time value specified in the argument.
MONTHNAME Returns a mixed case character string containing the name of month (e.g., January) for the month portion of the argument.
TIMESTAMP_ISO Returns a timestamp value based on date, time or timestamp argument.
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT Returns a timestamp from a character string that has been interpreted using a character template.
TIMESTAMPDIFF Returns an estimated number of intervals of the type defined by the first argument, based on the difference between two timestamps.
TO_CHAR Returns a character representation of a timestamp that has been formatted using a character template. TO_CHAR is a synonym for VARCHAR_FORMAT.
TO_DATE Returns a timestamp from a character string that has been inter-preted using a character template. TO_DATE is a synonym for TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.
WEEK Returns the week of the year of the argument as an integer value in range 1-54. The week starts with Sunday.
WEEK_ISO Returns the week of the year of the argument as an integer value in the range 1-53.

Changing the date format

A common question I get often relates to the presentation of dates. The default format used for dates is determined by the territory code of the database (which can be specified at database creation time). For example, my database was created usingterritory=US. Therefore the date format looks like the following:

values current date 
1 record(s) selected. 

That is, the format is MM/DD/YYYY. If you want to change the format, you can bind the collection of db2 utility packages to use a different date format. The formats supported are:

DEF Use a date and time format associated with the territory code.
EUR Use the IBM standard for Europe date and time format.
ISO Use the date and time format of the International Standards Organization.
JIS Use the date and time format of the Japanese Industrial Standard.
LOC Use the date and time format in local form associated with the territory code of the database.
USA Use the IBM standard for U.S. date and time format.

To change the default format to ISO on windows (YYYY-MM-DD), do the following steps:

  1. On the command line, change your current directory to sqllib\bnd.

    For example: 
    On Windows: c:\program files\IBM\sqllib\bnd
    On UNIX:/home/db2inst1/sqllib/bnd

  2. Connect to the database from the operating system shell as a user with SYSADM authority:
    db2 connect to DBNAME 
    db2 bind @db2ubind.lst datetime ISO blocking all grant public 

    (In your case, substitute your database name and desired date format for DBNAME and ISO, respectively.)

Now, you can see that the database uses ISO date format:

values current date 
  1 record(s) selected. 

Custom Date/Time Formatting

In the last example, we demonstrated how to change the way DB2 presents dates in some localized formats. But what if you wish to have a custom format such as 'yyyymmdd'? The best way to do this is by writing your own custom formatting function.

Here is the UDF:

create function ts_fmt(TS timestamp, fmt varchar(20)) 
returns varchar(50) 
with tmp (dd,mm,yyyy,hh,mi,ss,nnnnnn) as 
    substr( digits (day(TS)),9), 
    substr( digits (month(TS)),9) , 
    rtrim(char(year(TS))) , 
    substr( digits (hour(TS)),9), 
    substr( digits (minute(TS)),9), 
    substr( digits (second(TS)),9), 
    from sysibm.sysdummy1 
case fmt 
    when 'yyyymmdd' 
        then yyyy || mm || dd 
    when 'mm/dd/yyyy' 
        then mm || '/' || dd || '/' || yyyy 
    when 'yyyy/dd/mm hh:mi:ss' 
        then yyyy || '/' || mm || '/' || dd || ' ' ||  
               hh || ':' || mi || ':' || ss 
    when 'nnnnnn' 
        then nnnnnn 
        'date format ' || coalesce(fmt,' <null> ') ||  
        ' not recognized.' 
from tmp 

The function code may appear complex at first, but upon closer examination, you'll see that it is actually quite simple and elegant. First, we use a common table expression (CTE) to strip apart a timestamp (the first input parameter) into its individual components. From there, we check the format provided (the second input parameter) and reassemble the timestamp using the requested format and parts.

The function is also very flexible. To add another pattern simply append another WHEN clause with the expected format. When an unexpected pattern is encountered, an error message is returned.

Usage examples:

values ts_fmt(current timestamp,'yyyymmdd') 
values ts_fmt(current timestamp,'asa')  
 'date format asa not recognized.' 

Posted by Julyus
Oracle/DB22010. 10. 14. 18:02

timestamp를 char로  DB2 

2006/06/08 18:11


오라클에서 되던 to_char(date, 'yyyymmdd')이거..


db2에선 안되더군요..


select substr(hex(rdate), 1, 14) from npa_phone;


이렇게 하면


2006-02-09 10:24:17.335949


요거를 yyyymmdd형태로 바꿀수 있더군요

[출처] timestamp를 char로|작성자 지우개

Posted by Julyus
2010. 9. 24. 17:47

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

Oracle/DB22010. 9. 10. 11:28

Transaction          SQLSP

SQLSP = create Transaction
SQLSP.AutoCommit = False

SQLSP.DBParm =  "ConnectString='DSN=" + gs_system + ";UID="+ gs_emp_no +";PWD="+ gs_password + "'"


//SQLSP Connection Check!
if SQLSP.sqlcode <> 0 then
 Messagebox ( 'SERVER CONNECT ERROR', 'Connect Fail' + " Connection Error" )
end if

//Stored Procedure 실행


Posted by Julyus