Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path.
'PB DLL'에 해당되는 글 1건
Powerbuilder2010. 9. 10. 09:13
Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path.
[질문] | OS 관련 질문입니다. | | | ▦ PowerBuilder |
2010.01.19 10:57 |
라이브러리를 불러오는 과정에 문제가 있는거 아닌가요 ? 위치가 제대로 안잡혀있다던가 삭제되버렸던가..
한글이 네모로 표시되는것도 다 깨진거같은데...노트북에 옮기기전에는 괜찮은 상태인가요 ?
짧은 영어 실력으로 봤을땐 경로 문제인거 같은데요.ㅎ
근데, 5.0으로 만들어진 프로그램은 이상없이 잘되는데,
10.5.2 로 만든 프로그램들만 그러내요.ㅋ
다른 데탑들은 잘되고요, 그 노트북만 그러네요.ㅋ xp tablet edition 을 탑재한.
석진님 해결방안이 있던가요?
해결방안을 찾았습니다.ㅋ
pb runtime pakager를 만들어서 해당 시스템에서
한번 돌려주면 되더라구요.
Error loading library; Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path, in Rational Functional Tester
Technote (troubleshooting)
This technote addresses how to handle the error message "Error loading library; Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path." when testing against a PowerBuilder application using IBM Rational Functional Tester.
Resolving the problem
Rational Functional Tester requires Powerbuilder accessibility dll (pbaccXXX.dll) in the PB application's installation directory.
You can get this dll from the Powerbuilder's Development setup. Simply check whether this dll is present in the Install folder on the system. If not, just copy it in the install directory of the PowerBuilder application and restart Rational Functional Tester and the application and try to test against the PB app again.
You should no longer see this error message thereafter as a result of registering the necessary dll.